Squid World!

Cephalopods May Dominate the World

According to Scientific American, squid, octopus, and cuttlefish populations are exploding worldwide. A combination of overfishing and climate change has left a gap that these creatures are quick to take advantage of. Cephalopods produce lots of eggs and have a relatively short lifespan, factors that allow them to adapt quickly to changing ocean conditions. As top predators such as sharks, tuna, and whales are becoming scarcer, squids are the ideal species to fill in the gaps. 

Massive Squid Population!

 As sea temperatures rise due to global warming, carbon dioxide content are increasing, leading to a more acidic marine environment. This was originally thought to harm squid populations, but research shows that the species has better-than-expected blood oxygen binding. This advantage could lead to a significant squid population boost as key predators are negatively affected by acidification.



Weird DNA

Squid Breeding

How It Works


Join the Movement

We believe it’s clear that squid species will become dominant in the not-too-distant future. If you feel as we do and welcome this change, get on board!



Help us image a life where sea level is much higher and cephalopods rule! We welcome your input.



When the squids do take over the world, we will be ready to welcome them as our overlords!